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Light in Retrospective

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14 December 2022


ISA Art Gallery, Jakarta

Exhibition Manager
Text and Curatorial
Artistic Director

Light in Retrospective

For the past two years, the art world has been regaining its power due to the restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic by reactivating various art events and art fairs. Because the phenomenon deserves to be highlighted, ISA Art Gallery proudly presents Light in Retrospective to draw attention to it. In this exhibition, we are trying to look back in time and see the lights of hope of artists who kept making art and actively participating in the art scene. A look back and a celebration of the artists' hard work throughout the pandemic are both present in Light in Retrospective.

Retrospective means to look back, flashback, and recognize something clearly; light is essential. "Don't see the future with blind eyes. "The past is needed as a mirror for the future." Soekarno's speech taught us to cherish the past, as in the art world, we need to look back to appreciate artists' achievements and see them as a firm base that constructs the art world now and in the future.

We have chosen 19 contemporary artists who participated in ISA Art Gallery's past exhibitions to be displayed in Light in Retrospective. These artists, including A. Sebastian, Arahmaiani Feisal, Ardi Gunawan, Bandu Darmawan, Condro Priyoaji, Dawn Ng, Galih Adhika, Hadassah Emerich, Ines Katamso, Jompet Kuswidananto, Luh Gede Sangita, Nico Dharmajungen, Sekarputi Sidhiawati, Sinta Tantra, Tara Kasenda, Timoteus Anggawan Kusno, Yosefa Aulia, and Yuki Nakayama. These artists' works will introduce today's issues and ignite the audience to perceive the problem deeper. The artists' diverse backgrounds led to various issues being addressed and the medium used. Grasping diversified works of contemporary art can contribute to a different method of approaching current knowledge, critique, and energy.

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